LOVIDIA - Natural Hunger Control - BUY 1 - GET 4
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AVAILABLE AS: 30 or 60 Tablets
Choose 30 or 60 count - put ONE in your cart and you will receive 4 bottles!
While Supplies Last
*PLEASE NOTE: This our FINAL OFFERING while supplies last of this date expired product. The formulator is confident this type of tablet can be highly potent for over five years. We've been taking it and it works great for curbing appetite and feeling more satiated thus potentially eating less food!
Disclosure: The company that developed and manufactured Lovidia has closed its doors. They are trying to sell the manufacturing rights, but we have no idea if or when this will happen. Due to our personal connection with the company, we have acquired some cases of Original Lovidia. However, it is well past the stamped expiration date. Based on our research, experience, and the opinion of the manufacturer, tablets of this type often stay fully potent for up to five years. Nevertheless, we feel it is important to discount them deeply. That is why we've created this very special and limited offer. No refund available on this product.
Plain and simple - Lovidia works to curb hunger and cravings! It's all natural and contains no stimulants. It's the first dietary supplement based on the science of Gut Sensory Modulation (GSM). Lovidia stimulates taste receptors in the lower gut to naturally release more of the satiety hormones, GLP-1 and PYY, than would be released by food alone. Lovidia has been clinically proven to reduce hunger. (See video below for details)
Lovidia is also vegan, non-GMO, non-caloric, gluten free, and dairy free. The ingredients in the proprietary Lovidia blend are designated GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe). In a recent 13-week, IRB-approved, multi-site clinical study, Lovidia, in conjunction with intermittent caloric reduction, produced significant weight loss and impressive metabolic and cardiovascular improvements.
Recommended Dose: 1 tablet twice per day taken before two largest meals or when cravings are most prevalent. (Ingredient & Back Label Below)
What to Expect…
Most people feel the effects of Lovidia after taking the first one or two tablets. Take one tablet with each of your first two meals every day, preferably breakfast and lunch. Swallow tablet whole with plenty of water.
You may experience*:
- Feeling satisfied with less food
- Going longer between meals without feeling hungry
- Feeling full faster
- A diminished desire for between-meal and late-night snacking
- Fewer cravings for certain foods (EG sweets)
* Effects reported by clinical study participants
Lovidia is working great for Robyn and it can for you as well. Here's her story:
“I have to say I am thrilled with Lovidia. After years of trying to figure out why my appetite is so crazy. My ND had me do so many tests and try many different supplements and nothing helped me. I could literally eat a full meal, finishing every bite and still feel hungry and unsatisfied. I must use incredible discipline not to succumb to my insatiable appetite, but not always successfully.
This is the first time something has actually helped me feel more in control. Thank God! My doctor gave me a bottle right after I had been praying for some sort of breakthrough/victory over this. I was literally crying out to God as this hunger thing has been an issue for about 7 or 8 years. I was desperate to feel normal again and satisfied. I’ve been using Lovidia for about 6 weeks. I noticed a change the very first night, then very little for a few days, but within a week, I slowly gained more consistent control over my appetite as I figured out the times when I most needed to take it. This is truly a God send for me! Robyn Thomson
What makes Lovidia different?
Lovidia is the first dietary supplement based on the science of Gut Sensory Modulation (GSM). Lovidia stimulates the taste receptors in your lower gut to naturally release more of the hormones, GLP-1 and PYY, than would be released by food alone.